Іts length is 186 centimeters, weight is 42 kilograms.
On Saturday, 4th of July, Yuri Zdanchuk the citizen of Slonim, along with his partner Vadim Chobot, caught a huge catfish in Shchar - its length is 186 centimeters, weight is 42 kilograms. It took them fifty minutes to get the fish ashore, reports SlonіmskіVesnіk.
According to the fisherman, the trophy was obtained during spearfishing, which he has been doing for about seventeen years. But such a large fish he caught for the first time.
The guys are members of the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers, the Society of the Federation of Underwater Sports.
- I want to note that this is not poaching, all documents for fishing are available, we catch only in those places where it is allowed. The catch rate is not violated. I didn’t even think that there were such huge catfish in Shchara. Fish usually were caught of 10-15 kg, explained Yuri Zdanchuk.
Fishermen divided the prey in half. Part of the huge fish was given to friends.
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