MINSK, 16 January (BelTA) – Today is not the time to be delicate. In order to survive, we have to tear off masks and call things the way we see them. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement at the presidential reception held on the occasion of the Old New Year on 16 January, BelTA has learned.
Aleksandr Lukashenko noted: “It is not the time to be delicate although it contradicts our national character. In order to survive, we have to tear off masks and call things the way we see them. The beautiful word ‘fake' is nothing but common lies. Post-truth is the most primitive manipulation of the human mind. But like before we will use classic objective and honest journalism in order to counteract these technologies and other ones. We have to counteract them with professional accomplishments, sport victories, and artistic achievements in the name of our country. It is very important for many people to learn to recognize good and evil.”
Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that at present more attention is paid to the Internet while conventional mass media – newspapers and television – are considered a thing of the past. However, these communications channels cannot be ignored, he is convinced. Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that various Telegram channels are a very powerful weapon, but they will lose their significance with time, he is convinced. “Don't reject classic things. We have to preserve them,” he urged.
The organizers wanted the celebration to proceed along the lines of Nikolai Gogol's Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the idea invoked certain associations in his mind: a beautiful woman turned out to be a witch in this book. “Every girl and woman is beautiful in this hall today, this is why I've been thinking long and hard whether I should say it or not… But I think you will understand me. I have nothing against women. Contrariwise, you know very well that I adore women, even more so beautiful ones. So, the entire last year certain forces tried to impose ideas on us that greatly differ from the society's expectations and needs under the guise of beautiful slogans and elaborate images. I don't have to explain to you who pursued what political goals and personal benefits. But I thank you for giving a decent answer to this challenge,” Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked guests of the reception.
“Maybe we shouldn't talk about serious things in such a festive atmosphere. But I couldn't talk routinely because one cannot evaluate your personal contribution to the accomplishment of tasks of the national caliber in any other way. Every one of you landed in the epicenter of the country's explosive political life. I didn't adore women for nothing and I didn't say that I am a woman's president for nothing: men were fighting in the streets but our girls did as well as men,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated. “Time has identified its heroes.”
Aleksandr Lukashenko drew attention to the professionalism and courage of the reporters and the cameramen, who in his words stood alongside security forces. “Those are the girls I've talked about,” he explained. “Our athletes, artists, medics, pedagogues, and civil servants demonstrated as much courage, too. It is this kind of people that are in this hall today.”
“I would like to once again to underline (it probably has never been more important because we must not relax): don't ever doubt my resolve. I will never retreat. First of all, I have nothing but this country. I was born, I lived and will live here. My children will live here. Just like yours, I am sure. They wouldn't welcome us anywhere else. Secondly, I am deeply convinced that we are right,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated. “If we just analyze events (it has to be done), cry and moan due to various reasons instead of learning our lessons, these events will be repeated and on a larger scale. We have to learn our lessons. It is the key thing we have to do soon, including during the Belarusian People's Congress.”
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